Here i just want share any idea to create great blog with good trafict. this about trick to make your blog konten always up to date. Actually i confused to give artickle at this blog because i just a newbie and my experience of SEO Blogging just litle only, so today i wanna share what at my heart, and i think, yeah this is about writing content.
Writing science articles for blogs, newspapers, or press releases is not an easy task, but it is important if you aim at broadening the public of your scientific publications. Scholars tend to see dissemination as a discipline-specific task, which is normally only carried out in specific conferences, or scientific venues.
In spite of the fact that these scientific publication venues, such as ISI indexed journals, conferences, conference proceedings, and volumes, are nowadays reconsidering their own concept and offering open access, or online access (sometimes at a discounted rate), the impact of your research is not going to improve much among the general public.
Why is it so important to spread the news in the general public too, and not only within the scientific community only?
The benefits of a wider reach are many: dissemination of your work in the general public, as well as in the specific scientific community, is important in many ways. For instance, while the scientific community, made of your peers, is an important interlocutor, the impact of your research is not going to be enough if non-experts know nothing about it; besides, experts in your research field may be outside your scientific network as well: amateurs, experts in other research topics who are also interested in your field of research, cross-disciplinary researchers and scholars, may miss your work if you do not share the news outside your normal network of academic contacts.
The dissemination though the web - with blogs, press releases, contributions to specific websites and blurbs, or even social media - is so rare within the members of the scientific community that those engaging in such an activity can be counted easily on one hand.
Why miss the opportunity of receiving relevant feedback, comments that will strengthen your research outcomes in the future, and seeing engagement coming from the general public? Mostly, the problem is a lack of time: conducting research, disseminating results in the standard venues and writing technical articles about it are all demanding activities. Some conclude that technical writing only pays off if the results appear in a journal with a good impact factor which will bring citations.
Nevertheless, a growing number of scholars, institutions, and research organizations have decided to strengthen their outreach with a stronger online presence: while conferences, journals, and books are your main channel for the distribution and diffusion of your work, the web may work as a good sounding boar.
If you decide to submit articles for blogs and science sites devoted to the general public, you will have to adapt your language.
Here are a few guidelines to remember:
1) Be brief. Nobody will read your post if it is a 3000-word-essay and not a concise "pitch" about your research outcomes;
2) Be precise, but not too technical. Precision is important, or you will insult expert readers. Keep you terminology clean, but define each term. Be precise about premises and results, but do adopt a more informal language, that will be accessible to everyone
3) Add visual content. Images are a powerful tool to attract attention and engage the reader. Add a good color image to your article (make sure you have permission to add it)
4) Make it easy to quote. A creative commons license, or a quick form with code to cut and paste, in case someone wants to link back to you, is important
5) Spread the word now.
i dont hope more from all of you just smile
Write GOOD Science
Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 | 03:10
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